Calling in a new way of living and being

Mission statement

To ensure all have access to high-quality wellbeing events and to build community rooted in sustainability, wellness and harmony with nature.

To provide nature-based education for kids & to uplift their mental and physical health.

To alleviate loneliness in the older community by providing opportunities for young adults to connect, learn from and care for elders.

To support people suffering from addiction and provide a space for natural recovery.

To rewild the land and grow food for the community whilst teaching people about permaculture and sustainable ecological ways of living.

About Us

  • Who are we?

    A community of unique individuals.

    We vibe on nature and connection.

    We thrive on authenticity and realness.

    We create deep and meaningful relationships.

  • What is our essence?

    We hold space to reconnect with nature, yourself and others with tenderness and openness that, deep down, we all long for.

    Warm your feet and heart by a roaring story-telling fire, dance ecstatic and free from all intoxicants except your own sweet breath, hear the music of the land and contribute with your own energy and offerings.

  • The Mission

    To build a global community rooted in love, kindness, and respect for the Earth and all Beings.

    To inspire complete Health and Well-Being in Mind, Body and Spirit.

    To connect and bring together people from all walks of life, cultures, privileges and backgrounds.

    To provide alternative schooling options for children.

    To create a space for deeply transformational work in balance with play and wonderment.

    To create a reproducible blueprint for community living and conscious business.

  • The Dream

    A Web of Rising Dawn Sanctuaries around the globe.

    Some small, some massive, all Sacred Spaces to heal.

    All Faiths, Races and Beings welcomed and celebrated.

    Living in Harmony with Nature and One another.

    Deep sense of Oneness and Respect in everything we do.

    Beings of all flavours come together to find healing.

    Accessible to everyone, some luxurious retreats, some donation-based community gatherings.

    Everything weaved with absolute love, authenticity and integrity.

  • The Sacred Guidlines

    1. We use no intoxicants. Includes drugs, alcohol and psychotropic plant medicines.

    2. We devote ourselves to service.

    3. Any conflict is met with NVC (non-violent communication)

    4. We add beauty to our environment.

    5. We connect regularly in community.

    6. We are committed to organic vegan food, renewable power, eco-products and sustainable structures.

    7. We spend time cultivating deep, meaningful relationships.


    1. the art of building sanctuary and community, of inviting closeness and paying attention to what makes us feel open hearted and alive;

    2. to create well-being, connection and warmth;

    3. the feeling of belonging to the moment and to each other;

    4. celebrating the everyday

  • The Definition


    1. Ascending, sloping upward, or advancing // a rising tide.

    2. Developing or emerging // the rising generation.

    3. Increasing in power or influence // a rising nation.


    1: to begin to become light as the sun rises // they waited for the day to dawn.

    2: to start or begin // a new age/era is dawning.

    3: to begin to be understood // suddenly, the truth dawns.


    1: a place where someone or something is protected or given shelter

    2: the protection that is provided by a safe place // the refugees found/ sought sanctuary when they crossed the border.

    3: a consecrated place: a place of worship. // a temple or church

  • We look forward to meeting you soon...